Monday, February 13, 2017

"The Older I get... The wiser I become"

The Older I get the wiser I've become

Remember when you were 18 and you knew EVERYTHING?! Like, no one could tell you nothing cause you were "grown" now. Or maybe your reading this and your in that I'm grown and got life all figured out stage.. Let me be the one to tell you, you don't!

You can not imagine how many times I have bumped my head along the way, thinking I knew it all. I can remember being 19 years old had a good job was taking as much overtime as I could get, just working working working. I swore up and down nobody could tell me nothing. Not even my parents! I wasn't trying to hear any of them bits of wisdom they were throwing at me, cause I had life all figured out! lol yeah ok.. I went looking for my own place, thought I was the whip ok! Had my own car, had a lil boo thang.. I was grown bruh!!!! HA!

I found a place, or so I thought. It was a rinky dink apartment in a house that housed 4 different apartments. I thought I had found a gold mine. 3 bedrooms 2 bath, it had a fire place all for 550 dollars a month! I was so excited!!! Called my Aunt and was so excited, I sold her the dream story so I knew I was a shoe in for this place. The things is though.. I had 2 parents that cared! So, my aunt went to look at the place, (didnt tell me until after she went) and went off! HAHA She was like no way am I allowing you to live in that filthy place! See I hadn't told her that nothing in the place worked properly or that it had all those "rooms" but the whole apartment could fit into my closet now. I had left out all the important info to keep her from stopping me from being grown! I knew that if she knew what I knew that it wasn't gone happen.. and it didn't! I was pissed, because I couldn't figure out for the life of me how she felt she could make that decision for me when I was grown!!! Listen I can not make this stuff up, not even a month after me not getting the place it caught fire and burnt up due to someone using a grill in doors to keep warm because they had no electricity.

I gave that story as an example because had I not listened to her, had I not took heed to what she was telling me.. I could either be dead from that fire or out on my butt for not listening.

I have been through alot in 29 years. Alot. more than the average person, and that is not to brag about where I have been or come from. In fact I would rather keep that to myself, but who am I helping by not speaking my truth?! No one. It took me a minute to take off my "grown ear muffs" and actually listen to those who had been through things before me. I take everyday as another opportunity to learn. You gotta come out of that mind frame of I'm grown especially if you are still making child like decisions. It is also true that in order to learn you have to go through somethings your self. If who I am today could talk to who I was then.. I would probably choke myself. All of the bills I created for nothing, all of the wasted relationships and material things I have gone through... No way would who I am today deal with any of what I did then.

I have always been hardheaded.. gotta try stuff for myself, gotta be in control.. but the older I get the wiser I am becoming!

Let me drop some knowledge on you real fast, take off those "grown muffs" and listen to those who have gone through, been there, done that. I am not saying you have to adopt the route they took or be like them, but gain that knowledge so that when your faced with obstacles you have a few different escape plans. Major point is to SLOOOWWWW down and enjoy the life you have in front of you. Listen to your parents and the family that surrounds you, because 9 times out of 10 they only care about you! Stop assuming that you got life wrapped around your finger and it moves at your command. It doesn't! Even at 29 I am still learning! I do not have it all together, but because I am wiser I can share the mistakes I have made so that the ones I love can avoid the consequence, and gain their own wisdom.

Be Blessed