Thursday, May 11, 2017

A Mother's Love

Imagine waking up one day, realizing that you needed your hair done. You call your friend around the corner and ask them could they hook you up, after a yes reply you began to get dressed for the day. The night before your mother wasn't feeling the greatest but she still got up to go to rehearsal at the church and prepare the choir for Sunday service. Back to you, your getting dressed and about to head out and your mother calls to you; "Erica, come here! Did you make sure your bed was made?" You answer yes. Then she calls again as your headed out the door; "Erica, is the lawnmower off?" You say to yourself really mom.. but you still go and check. It is off, you tell her yes then began to walk out the door again. She calls you for a third time, by now your a little perturbed as any pre teen would be; so you huff and puff back in her room for her to say these last three words... "Erica, I love you!" and then you feel bad and you tell her with the most sincerity "I love you too, mommy!" You look into her eyes and then the next thing you know... she has fallen over and is in a full death snore.

Panic, would obviously be your first reaction and then horror follows as you watch your mother fallen over in this snore that you have NEVER experienced in your 12 year old life. At first you think she is playing because that is the type of relationship you all have but then you see the cigarette burning her arm and then... you lose it. Nothing else matters after that, your hearing is blocked off your vision is tunneled to her. Her, the woman who carried you, who held your hand, who held your big tail every night while watching lifetime, the woman who was your very best friend! Your vision is stuck on her as they place the IV and get her on the stretcher and get her out the house. Could this be a dream?!

For you this may have been a dream, but for me this was my reality!" My Mommy, Jacquelyn P. Robinson passed away August 29, 2000. I really thank God for keeping me. Keeping me in my right mind, I may act different some days but I am in my right mind. People ask; "How do you deal, How do you cope?" I put one foot in front of the other and I keep walking. Mother's day is NEVER easy for me, In fact I try to avoid it like the plague. However, I now have children of my own so I can not ignore the day.

God has truly blessed me. not only did he fill the void with my aunt taking on the responsibility as my mother but I was also blessed with a father (My uncle). My aunt has been my rock, will always be my rock. and I am eternally grateful for her. never was I treated different, never was I introduced less than her daughter and NEVER had I ever had to question her love. Aunty Cynthia, I love you from the pit of my heart and I bless God for you and the teachings I received/receiving. You are an amazing women of God and I pray to mirror you. Here's to both my Mother's on this Mother's day weekend! I love and honor you both!!! Happy Mother's day to all the mothers, aunts, grandmothers, and anyone filling a mother's void! I salute you!!!!

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